* @module granax/replies
'use strict';
* @param {string[]} output
* @returns {AuthChallengeResult}
exports.AUTHCHALLENGE = function(output) {
let result = output[0].split(' ');
let [, hash, nonce] = result;
return {
hash: hash.split('=').pop(),
nonce: nonce ? nonce.split('=').pop() : null
* @typedef {object} AuthChallengeResult
* @property {string} hash - The server hash
* @property {string} nonce - The server nonce
* @param {string[]} output
* @returns {ProtocolInfoResult}
exports.PROTOCOLINFO = function(output) {
let [proto, auth, version] = output;
proto = proto.split(' ');
auth = auth.split(' ');
version = version.split(' ');
let methods = auth.shift();
let cookieFile = auth.length
? auth.join(' ').split('=')[1].split('"').join('')
: null;
return {
protocol: proto[1],
auth: {
methods: methods.split('=')[1].split(','),
version: {
tor: version[1].split('=')[1].split('"').join('')
* @typedef {object} ProtocolInfoResult
* @property {string} protocol
* @property {object} auth
* @property {string[]} auth.methods
* @property {string} auth.cookieFile
* @property {object} version
* @property {string} version.tor
* @param {string[]} output
* @returns {AddOnionResult}
exports.ADD_ONION = function(output) {
return {
serviceId: output[0].split('=')[1],
privateKey: (output[1] && output[1].includes('PrivateKey'))
? output[1].split('=')[1]
: null
* @typedef {object} AddOnionResult
* @property {string} serviceId - The hidden service url without .onion
* @property {string} [privateKey] - The generated private key
* @param {string[]} output
* @returns {GetConfigResult}
exports.GETCONF = function(output) {
return output.map((line) => line.split('=')[1]);
* @typedef {string[]} GetConfigResult
* @param {string[]} output
* @returns {string}
exports.GETINFO = function(output) {
if (output.length > 1) {
return output.map((line) => line.split('=')[1]).join('\n');
return output[0].split('=')[1];