'use strict';
const async = require('async');
const { Writable: WritableStream } = require('node:stream');
const constants = require('./constants');
const { knuthShuffle: shuffle } = require('knuth-shuffle');
const utils = require('./utils');
const AbstractNode = require('./node-abstract');
const KademliaRules = require('./rules-kademlia');
const ContactList = require('./contact-list');
const MetaPipe = require('metapipe');
* Extends {@link AbstractNode} with Kademlia-specific rules
* @class
* @extends {AbstractNode}
class KademliaNode extends AbstractNode {
* @typedef {object} KademliaNode~entry
* @property {string|object|array} value - The primary entry value
* @property {string} publisher - Node identity of the original publisher
* @property {number} timestamp - Last update/replicate time
* @constructor
constructor(options) {
this._lookups = new Map(); // NB: Track the last lookup time for buckets
this._pings = new Map();
this._updateContactQueue = async.queue(
(task, cb) => this._updateContactWorker(task, cb),
this.replicatePipeline = new MetaPipe({ objectMode: true });
this.expirePipeline = new MetaPipe({ objectMode: true });
* Adds the kademlia rule handlers before calling super#listen()
listen() {
let handlers = new KademliaRules(this);
this.use('PING', handlers.ping.bind(handlers));
this.use('STORE', handlers.store.bind(handlers));
this.use('FIND_NODE', handlers.findNode.bind(handlers));
this.use('FIND_VALUE', handlers.findValue.bind(handlers));
utils.preventConvoy(() => this.refresh(0)),
utils.preventConvoy(() => this.replicate(() => this.expire())),
* Inserts the given contact into the routing table and uses it to perform
* a {@link KademliaNode#iterativeFindNode} for this node's identity,
* then refreshes all buckets further than it's closest neighbor, which will
* be in the occupied bucket with the lowest index
* @param {Bucket~contact} peer - Peer to bootstrap from
* @param {function} [joinListener] - Function to set as join listener
* @returns {Promise}
join(peer, callback) {
if (typeof callback === 'function') {
return this._join(peer).then(function() {
callback(null, ...arguments);
}, callback);
} else {
return this._join(peer);
* @private
_join([identity, contact]) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this.router.addContactByNodeId(identity, contact);
(next) => this.iterativeFindNode(this.identity.toString('hex'), next),
(next) => this.refresh(this.router.getClosestBucket() + 1, next)
], (err) => {
if (err) {
} else {
* Sends a PING message to the supplied contact, resolves with latency
* @param {Bucket~contact} peer
* @param {KademliaNode~pingCallback} [callback]
* @returns {Promise<number>}
ping(contact, callback) {
if (typeof callback ==='function') {
return this._ping(contact).then(function() {
callback(null, ...arguments);
}, callback);
} else {
return this._ping(contact);
* @callback KademliaNode~pingCallback
* @param {error|null} error
* @param {number} latency - Milliseconds before response received
* @private
_ping(contact) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const start = Date.now();
this.send('PING', [], contact, (err) => {
if (err) {
return reject(err);
resolve(Date.now() - start);
* @private
_createStorageItem(value) {
const keys = Object.keys(value);
const alreadyHasMetadata = keys.includes('value') &&
keys.includes('publisher') &&
if (alreadyHasMetadata) {
value.timestamp = Date.now();
value.publisher = value.publisher.toString('hex');
return value;
return {
value: value,
timestamp: Date.now(),
publisher: this.identity.toString('hex')
* Performs a {@link KademliaNode#iterativeFindNode} to collect K contacts
* nearest to the given key, sending a STORE message to each of them.
* @param {buffer|string} key - Key to store data under
* @param {buffer|string|object} value - Value to store by key
* @param {KademliaNode~iterativeStoreCallback} callback
* @returns {Promise<number>}
iterativeStore(key, value, callback) {
if (typeof callback === 'function') {
return this._iterativeStore(key, value).then(function() {
callback(null, ...arguments);
}, callback);
} else {
return this._iterativeStore(key, value);
* Note that if there is a protocol/validation error, you will not receive
* it as an error in the callback. Be sure to also check that stored > 0 as
* part of error handling here.
* @callback KademliaNode~iterativeStoreCallback
* @param {error|null} error
* @param {number} stored - Total nodes who stored the pair
* @private
_iterativeStore(key, value) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
key = key.toString('hex');
let stored = 0;
const createStoreRpc = (target) => {
return ['STORE', [key, this._createStorageItem(value)], target];
const dispatchStoreRpcs = (contacts, callback) => {
async.eachLimit(contacts, constants.ALPHA, (target, done) => {
this.send(...createStoreRpc(target), (err) => {
stored = err ? stored : stored + 1;
}, callback);
(next) => this.iterativeFindNode(key, next),
(contacts, next) => dispatchStoreRpcs(contacts, next),
(next) => {
this.storage.put(key, this._createStorageItem(value), {
valueEncoding: 'json'
}, next);
], () => {
if (stored === 0) {
return reject(new Error('Failed to stored entry with peers'));
* Basic kademlia lookup operation that builds a set of K contacts closest
* to the given key
* @param {buffer|string} key - Reference key for node lookup
* @param {KademliaNode~iterativeFindNodeCallback} [callback]
* @returns {Promise<Bucket~contact[]>}
iterativeFindNode(key, callback) {
key = key.toString('hex');
if (typeof callback === 'function') {
return this._iterativeFind('FIND_NODE', key).then(function() {
callback(null, ...arguments);
}, callback);
} else {
return this._iterativeFind('FIND_NODE', key);
* @callback KademliaNode~iterativeFindNodeCallback
* @param {error|null} error
* @param {Bucket~contact[]} contacts - Result of the lookup operation
* Kademlia search operation that is conducted as a node lookup and builds
* a list of K closest contacts. If at any time during the lookup the value
* is returned, the search is abandoned. If no value is found, the K closest
* contacts are returned. Upon success, we must store the value at the
* nearest node seen during the search that did not return the value.
* @param {buffer|string} key - Key for value lookup
* @param {KademliaNode~iterativeFindValueCallback} [callback]
* @returns {Promise<object>}
iterativeFindValue(key, callback) {
key = key.toString('hex');
if (typeof callback === 'function') {
return this._iterativeFind('FIND_VALUE', key).then(function() {
callback(null, ...arguments);
}, callback);
} else {
return this._iterativeFind('FIND_VALUE', key);
* @callback KademliaNode~iterativeFindValueCallback
* @param {error|null} error
* @param {KademliaNode~entry} value
* @param {null|Bucket~contact} contact - Contact responded with entry
* Performs a scan of the storage adapter and performs
* republishing/replication of items stored. Items that we did not publish
* ourselves get republished every T_REPLICATE. Items we did publish get
* republished every T_REPUBLISH.
* @param {KademliaNode~replicateCallback} [callback]
* @returns {Promise}
replicate(callback) {
if (typeof callback === 'function') {
return this._replicate().then(callback, callback);
} else {
return this._replicate();
* @callback KademliaNode~replicateCallback
* @param {error|null} error
* @private
_replicate() {
const self = this;
const now = Date.now();
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const itemStream = this.storage.createReadStream({
valueEncoding: 'json'
const replicateStream = new WritableStream({
objectMode: true,
write: maybeReplicate
function maybeReplicate({ key, value }, enc, next) {
const isPublisher = value.publisher === self.identity.toString('hex');
const republishDue = (value.timestamp + constants.T_REPUBLISH) <= now;
const replicateDue = (value.timestamp + constants.T_REPLICATE) <= now;
const shouldRepublish = isPublisher && republishDue;
const shouldReplicate = !isPublisher && replicateDue;
if (shouldReplicate || shouldRepublish) {
return self.iterativeStore(key, value, next);
function triggerCallback(err) {
if (err) {
return reject(err);
itemStream.on('error', triggerCallback);
replicateStream.on('error', triggerCallback);
replicateStream.on('finish', triggerCallback);
* Items expire T_EXPIRE seconds after the original publication. All items
* are assigned an expiration time which is "exponentially inversely
* proportional to the number of nodes between the current node and the node
* whose ID is closest to the key", where this number is "inferred from the
* bucket structure of the current node".
* @param {KademliaNode~expireCallback} [callback]
* @returns {Promise}
expire(callback) {
if (typeof callback === 'function') {
return this._expire().then(callback, callback);
} else {
return this._expire();
* @callback KademliaNode~expireCallback
* @param {error|null} error
* @private
_expire() {
const self = this;
const now = Date.now();
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const itemStream = this.storage.createReadStream({
valueEncoding: 'json'
const expireStream = new WritableStream({
objectMode: true,
write: maybeExpire
function maybeExpire({ key, value }, enc, next) {
if ((value.timestamp + constants.T_EXPIRE) <= now) {
return self.storage.del(key, next);
function triggerCallback(err) {
if (err) {
return reject(err);
itemStream.on('error', triggerCallback);
expireStream.on('error', triggerCallback);
expireStream.on('finish', triggerCallback);
* If no node lookups have been performed in any given bucket's range for
* T_REFRESH, the node selects a random number in that range and does a
* refresh, an iterativeFindNode using that number as key.
* @param {number} startIndex - bucket index to start refresh from
* @param {KademliaNode~refreshCallback} [callback]
* @returns {Promise}
refresh(startIndex = 0, callback) {
if (typeof callback === 'function') {
return this._refresh(startIndex).then(callback, callback);
} else {
return this._refresh(startIndex);
* @callback KademliaNode~refreshCallback
* @param {error|null} error
* @param {array} bucketsRefreshed
* @private
_refresh(startIndex) {
const now = Date.now();
const indices = [
].slice(startIndex).map((entry) => entry[0]);
// NB: We want to avoid high churn during refresh and prevent further
// NB: refreshes if lookups in the next bucket do not return any new
// NB: contacts. To do this we will shuffle the bucket indexes we are
// NB: going to check and only continue to refresh if new contacts were
// NB: discovered in the last MAX_UNIMPROVED_REFRESHES consecutive lookups.
let results = new Set(), consecutiveUnimprovedLookups = 0;
function isDiscoveringNewContacts() {
return consecutiveUnimprovedLookups < constants.MAX_UNIMPROVED_REFRESHES;
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
async.eachSeries(shuffle(indices), (index, next) => {
if (!isDiscoveringNewContacts()) {
return resolve();
const lastBucketLookup = this._lookups.get(index) || 0;
const needsRefresh = lastBucketLookup + constants.T_REFRESH <= now;
if (needsRefresh) {
return this.iterativeFindNode(
utils.getRandomBufferInBucketRange(this.identity, index)
(err, contacts) => {
if (err) {
return next(err);
let discoveredNewContacts = false;
for (let [identity] of contacts) {
if (!results.has(identity)) {
discoveredNewContacts = true;
consecutiveUnimprovedLookups = 0;
if (!discoveredNewContacts) {
}, (err) => {
if (err) {
return reject(err);
* Builds an list of closest contacts for a particular RPC
* @private
_iterativeFind(method, key) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
function createRpc(target) {
return [method, [key], target];
let shortlist = new ContactList(key, [
...this.router.getClosestContactsToKey(key, constants.ALPHA)
let closest = shortlist.closest;
this._lookups.set(utils.getBucketIndex(this.identity, key), Date.now());
function iterativeLookup(selection, continueLookup = true) {
if (!selection.length) {
return resolve(shortlist.active.slice(0, constants.K));
async.each(selection, (contact, next) => {
// NB: mark this node as contacted so as to avoid repeats
this.send(...createRpc(contact), (err, result) => {
if (err) {
return next();
// NB: mark this node as active to include it in any return values
// NB: If the result is a contact/node list, just keep track of it
// NB: Otherwise, do not proceed with iteration, just callback
if (Array.isArray(result) || method !== 'FIND_VALUE') {
.add(Array.isArray(result) ? result : [])
.forEach(contact => {
// NB: If it wasn't in the shortlist, we haven't added to the
// NB: routing table, so do that now.
return next();
// NB: If we did get an item back, get the closest node we contacted
// NB: who is missing the value and store a copy with them
const closestMissingValue = shortlist.active[0]
if (closestMissingValue) {
this.send('STORE', [
], closestMissingValue, () => null);
// NB: we found a value, so stop searching
resolve(result, contact);
}, () => {
// NB: If we have reached at least K active nodes, or haven't found a
// NB: closer node, even on our finishing trip, return to the caller
// NB: the K closest active nodes.
if (shortlist.active.length >= constants.K ||
(closest[0] === shortlist.closest[0] && !continueLookup)
) {
return resolve(shortlist.active.slice(0, constants.K));
// NB: we haven't discovered a closer node, call k uncalled nodes and
// NB: finish up
if (closest[0] === shortlist.closest[0]) {
return iterativeLookup.call(
shortlist.uncontacted.slice(0, constants.K),
closest = shortlist.closest;
// NB: continue the lookup with ALPHA close, uncontacted nodes
shortlist.uncontacted.slice(0, constants.ALPHA),
shortlist.uncontacted.slice(0, constants.ALPHA),
* Adds the given contact to the routing table
* @private
_updateContact(identity, contact) {
this._updateContactQueue.push({ identity, contact }, (err, headId) => {
if (err) {
this.router.addContactByNodeId(identity, contact);
* Worker for updating contact in a routing table bucket
* @private
_updateContactWorker(task, callback) {
const { identity, contact } = task;
if (identity === this.identity.toString('hex')) {
return callback();
const now = Date.now();
const reset = 600000;
const [, bucket, contactIndex] = this.router.addContactByNodeId(
const [headId, headContact] = bucket.head;
const lastPing = this._pings.get(headId);
if (contactIndex !== -1) {
return callback();
if (lastPing && lastPing.responded && lastPing.timestamp > (now - reset)) {
return callback();
this.ping([headId, headContact], (err) => {
this._pings.set(headId, { timestamp: Date.now(), responded: !err });
callback(err, headId);
module.exports = KademliaNode;