One of the most frustrating and daunting problems when deploying a distributed network to users is dealing with NAT (or "Network Address Translation". Kadence provides a plugin for traversing these systems with mulitple strategies and is capable of breaking out of just about any network (albeit sometimes at the expensive of performance).
This functionality is encapsulated in the module:kadence/traverse plugin, which initializes a module:kadence/traverse~TraversePlugin. This plugin makes use of the module:kadence/traverse~TraverseStrategy instances that are passed to it. At the time of writing, Kadence supports UPnP, NAT-PMP, and a fallback reverse HTTPS tunneling mechanism (for use with the HTTPSTransport and HTTPTransport).
Using the Plugin
Generally, you'll want to use all of the available strategies, but since some strategies may only work with certain transports, you must explicity define them when calling the plugin.
const node = new kadence.KademliaNode(options); // See "Getting Started"
node.spartacus = node.plugin(kadence.spartacus()); // Optional, but recommended
node.traverse = node.plugin(kadence.traverse([ // List in order of attempt
new kadence.traverse.UPNPStrategy({
mappingTtl: 0, // Means keep this mapping until unmapped
publicPort: // The public port to map
new kadence.traverse.NATPMPStrategy({
mappingTtl: 0, // Means keep this mapping until unmapped
publicPort: // The public port to map
new kadence.traverse.ReverseTunnelStrategy({
remoteAddress: '', // Hostname of a Diglet server
remotePort: 8443, // Tunnel port of a Diglet server
verboseLogging: false, // If debuggin, set to `true`
secureLocalConnection: false, // Set to `true` if using HTTPSTransport
privateKey: node.spartacus.privateKey // Uses identity for tunnel routing
In the example above, we are assuming use of the HTTPTransport. When the method KademliaNode#listen is called, this plugin will execute each strategy in the order they are defined until one of them successfully traverses the NAT and becomes public on the internet. If all of them fail, a message will indicate that you are not addressable.
The UPnP and NAT-PMP strategies attempt to instruct the router / NAT device to forward a port to internet. Sometimes this is a feature that must be enabled on the router itself and sometimes it is not supported at all - either by the device or the ISP.
The reverse tunnel strategy works by establishing an outbound connection to a Diglet server which acts as a reverse proxy back to your node on the outbound connection. By default, the plugin will use a test server, but this may or may not be online or functioning at any given time. The recommendation is to run your own Diglet server, which is very simple to set up. Ideally, your users should each run their own Diglet server to prevent dense centralization around a single tunnel, however this is generally unreasonable to expect so it's good to bake in a rotating list of public Diglet servers into your code.