Make sure you have the following prerequisites installed:
- Git
- Node.js LTS + NPM (10.15.x)
- Python 2.7
- GCC/G++/Make
Node.js + NPM
GNU+Linux & Mac OSX
wget -qO- | bash
Close your shell and open an new one. Now that you can call the nvm
program, install Node.js (which comes with NPM):
nvm install --lts
Build Dependencies
Debian / Ubuntu / Mint / Trisquel / and Friends
apt install git python build-essential
Red Hat / Fedora / CentOS
yum groupinstall 'Development Tools'
You might also find yourself lacking a C++11 compiler - see this.
xcode-select --install
Run as administrator in PowerShell or cmd:
npm install -g windows-build-tools
This package exposes the program kadence
. To install, use the --global
npm install -g @deadcanaries/kadence
Core Library
This package exposes a module providing a complete reference implementation of the protocol. To use it in your project, from your project's root directory, install as a dependency.
npm install @tacticalchihuahua/kadence --save
Then you can require the library with:
const kadence = require('@tacticalchihuahua/kadence');