* @module kadence/churnfilter
'use strict';
const ms = require('ms');
const merge = require('merge');
* Plugin that tracks contacts that are not online and evicts them from the
* routing table, prevents re-entry into the routing table using an exponential
* cooldown time.
class ChurnFilterPlugin {
static get DEFAULTS() {
return {
cooldownBaseTimeout: '1M', // Start block at N minutes
cooldownMultiplier: 2, // Multiply the block time by M every offense
cooldownResetTime: '10M' // Until no offense has occured for K minutes
* @constructor
* @param {AbstractNode} node
* @param {object} [options]
* @param {number} [options.cooldownMultiplier=2] - Multiply cooldown time
* by this number after every offense
* @param {string} [options.cooldownResetTime="10M"] - Human time string
* for resetting the cooldown multiplier after no block added for a given
* peer fingerprint
* @param {string} [options.cooldownBaseTimeout="1M"] - Human time string
* for starting timeout, multiplied by two every time the cooldown is reset
* and broken again
constructor(node, options) {
this.node = node;
this.opts = merge(ChurnFilterPlugin.DEFAULTS, options);
this.cooldown = new Map();
this.blocked = new Set();
// Not sure how well this is going to work in a production environment yet
// so let's warn users that it could be problematic
'the churn filter plugin may not be suitable for production networks'
this._wrapAbstractNodeSend(); // Detect timeouts and network errors
this._wrapAbstractNodeUpdateContact(); // Gatekeep the routing table
* @private
_wrapAbstractNodeUpdateContact() {
const _updateContact = this.node._updateContact.bind(this.node);
this.node._updateContact = (identity, contact) => {
if (this.hasBlock(identity)) {
'preventing entry of blocked fingerprint %s into routing table',
return null;
_updateContact(identity, contact);
* @private
_wrapAbstractNodeSend() {
const send = this.node.send.bind(this.node);
this.node.send = (method, params, target, handler) => {
if (this.hasBlock(target[0])) {
'sending message to contact %s with active block',
send(method, params, target, (err, result) => {
if (err && (err.type === 'TIMEOUT' || err.dispose)) {
this.node.logger.info('setting temporary block for %s', target[0]);
handler(err, result);
* Checks if the fingerprint is blocked
* @param {string|buffer} fingerprint - Node ID to check
* @returns {boolean}
hasBlock(fingerprint) {
fingerprint = fingerprint.toString('hex');
if (this.blocked.has(fingerprint)) {
return !this.cooldown.get(fingerprint).expired;
return false;
* Creates a new block or renews the cooldown for an existing block
* @param {string|buffer} fingerprint - Node ID to block
* @returns {object}
setBlock(fingerprint) {
fingerprint = fingerprint.toString('hex');
let cooldown = this.cooldown.get(fingerprint);
if (cooldown) {
cooldown.duration = cooldown.expired
? cooldown.duration
: cooldown.duration * this.opts.cooldownMultiplier;
cooldown.time = Date.now();
} else {
cooldown = {
duration: ms(this.opts.cooldownBaseTimeout),
time: Date.now(),
get expiration() {
return this.time + this.duration;
get expired() {
return this.expiration <= Date.now();
this.cooldown.set(fingerprint, cooldown);
* Deletes the blocked fingerprint
* @param {string|buffer} fingerprint - Node ID to remove block
delBlock(fingerprint) {
* Clears all blocked and cooldown data
reset() {
* Releases blocked to reset cooldown multipliers for fingerprints with
* cooldowns that are long expired and not blocked
resetCooldownForStablePeers() {
const now = Date.now();
for (let [fingerprint, cooldown] of this.cooldown) {
if (this.hasBlock(fingerprint)) {
let { expired, expiration } = cooldown;
if (expired && (now - expiration >= ms(this.opts.cooldownResetTime))) {
* Registers a {@link module:kadence/contentaddress~ChurnFilterPlugin} with
* a {@link KademliaNode}
* @param {object} [options]
* @param {number} [options.cooldownMultiplier=2] - Multiply cooldown time
* by this number after every offense
* @param {string} [options.cooldownResetTime="60M"] - Human time string
* for resetting the cooldown multiplier after no block added for a given
* peer fingerprint
* @param {string} [options.cooldownBaseTimeout="5M"] - Human time string
* for starting timeout, multiplied by two every time the cooldown is reset
* and broken again
module.exports = function(options) {
return function(node) {
return new ChurnFilterPlugin(node, options);
module.exports.ChurnFilterPlugin = ChurnFilterPlugin;