* @module kadence/spartacus
'use strict';
const merge = require('merge');
const assert = require('node:assert');
const secp256k1 = require('secp256k1');
const utils = require('./utils');
const jsonrpc = require('jsonrpc-lite');
const { Transform } = require('node:stream');
* Implements the spartacus decorations to the node object
class SpartacusPlugin {
static get DEFAULTS() {
return {
checkPublicKeyHash: true
* Creates the plugin instance given a node and optional identity
* @constructor
* @param {KademliaNode} node
* @param {buffer} [privateKey] - SECP256K1 private key
* @param {object} [options={}]
* @param {boolean} [options.checkPublicKeyHash=true]
constructor(node, priv, opts) {
priv = priv || utils.generatePrivateKey();
this.opts = merge(SpartacusPlugin.DEFAULTS, opts);
this.privateKey = priv;
this.publicKey = secp256k1.publicKeyCreate(this.privateKey);
this.identity = utils.toPublicKeyHash(this.publicKey);
this._validatedContacts = new Map();
this._pendingValidators = new Map();
node.contact.pubkey = this.publicKey.toString('hex');
node.identity = node.router.identity = this.identity;
node.rpc.serializer.append(() => new Transform({
transform: this.serialize.bind(this),
objectMode: true
node.rpc.deserializer.prepend(() => new Transform({
transform: this.deserialize.bind(this),
objectMode: true
node.use((req, res, next) => this.validate(node, req, res, next));
* Sets the validation period for nodes
* @param {number} period - Milliseconds to honor a proven contact response
setValidationPeriod(n = 10800000) {
this._validationPeriod = n;
* Checks if the sender is addressable at the claimed contact information
* and cross checks signatures between the original sender and the node
* addressed. This is intended to prevent reflection attacks and general
* DDoS via spam.
* @param {KademliaNode} node
* @param {AbstractNode~request} request
* @param {AbstractNode~response} response
* @param {AbstractNode~next} next
validate(node, req, res, next) {
const period = this._validationPeriod;
const record = this._validatedContacts.get(req.contact[0]);
const validated = record && record.validated;
const fresh = validated && ((Date.now() - record.timestamp) < period);
if (this._pendingValidators.get(req.contact[0])) {
return next(); // NB: Let's not get into an infinte validation loop
if (validated && fresh) {
return next();
this._pendingValidators.set(req.contact[0], req.contact[1]);
node.ping(req.contact, (err) => {
if (err) {
return this._validatedContacts.set(req.contact[0], {
validated: false,
timestamp: Date.now()
this._validatedContacts.set(req.contact[0], {
validated: true,
timestamp: Date.now()
* Processes with JsonRpcSerializer then signs the result and appends an
* additional payload containing signature+identity information
* @implements {Messenger~serializer}
serialize(data, encoding, callback) {
let [id, buffer, target] = data;
let payload = jsonrpc.parse(buffer.toString('utf8')).map((obj) => {
return obj.payload;
let { signature, recovery } = secp256k1.sign(
let authenticate = jsonrpc.notification('AUTHENTICATE', [
Buffer.concat([Buffer.from([recovery]), signature]).toString('base64'),
callback(null, [
Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(payload), 'utf8'),
* Parses and verifies the signature payload, then passes through to the
* JsonRpcDeserializer if successful
* @implements {Messenger~deserializer}
deserialize(buffer, encoding, callback) {
/* eslint max-statements: [2, 30] */
/* eslint complexity: [2, 12] */
let payload = jsonrpc.parse(buffer.toString('utf8'))
try {
payload = payload.map(obj => {
assert(obj.type !== 'invalid');
return obj.payload;
} catch (err) {
return callback(new Error('Failed to parse received payload'));
let [, identify] = payload;
let authenticate = payload.filter(m => m.method === 'AUTHENTICATE').pop();
if (typeof authenticate === 'undefined') {
return callback(new Error('Missing authentication payload in message'));
let identity = Buffer.from(identify.params[0], 'hex');
let [signature, publicKey] = authenticate.params;
let signedPayload = [];
for (let i = 0; i < payload.length; i++) {
if (payload[i].method === 'AUTHENTICATE') {
} else {
signedPayload = utils._sha256(
Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(signedPayload), 'utf8')
let publicKeyHash = utils.toPublicKeyHash(Buffer.from(publicKey, 'hex'));
let pendingValid = this._pendingValidators.get(
if (pendingValid && pendingValid.pubkey !== publicKey) {
return callback(new Error('Failed pending contact validation'));
if (this.opts.checkPublicKeyHash && publicKeyHash.compare(identity) !== 0) {
return callback(new Error('Identity does not match public key'));
try {
Buffer.from(signature, 'base64').slice(1),
Buffer.from(publicKey, 'hex')
} catch (err) {
return callback(new Error('Message includes invalid signature'));
callback(null, buffer);
* Registers a {@link module:kadence/spartacus~SpartacusPlugin} with a
* {@link KademliaNode}
* @param {string} priv - Private key
* @param {object} opts - Plugin options
module.exports = function(priv, opts) {
return function(node) {
return new SpartacusPlugin(node, priv, opts);
module.exports.SpartacusPlugin = SpartacusPlugin;